as part of the Fridge Art Fair
9 Avenue B, Backyard | New York, NY 10009
May 17 - 21, 2023
Participating Artists:
Charlotte Zinsser
manuel arturo abreu
Erin Davis / Max C Lee
Ken Cro-Ken
Ibisazi Designers Nyabyo
haul gallery is excited to announce COLLABS an offsite group exhibition organized as part of the Fridge Art Fair. COLLABS is a brief show of artworks that embrace collaboration. Charlotte Zinsser’s work has been created with squirrels as the primary audience complete with a bowl of nuts to attract them. A painted wood panel rests near a fire escape in the show’s backyard location, a thoroughfare for NYC squirrels to traverse the sides of buildings. manuel arturo abreu collaborates with nature and time in their works here. Banana leaves soaked in glycerin and stretched over canvas bars continue to decompose as they dry out and age over time. Ibisazi Designers Nyabyo collaborates with their own environment and community based outside of Kigali, Rwanda to create wearable sculpture, fashion, and music. A large print of theirs hangs in the space, ready for whatever natural collaboration the weather might bring. The late Ken Cro-Ken’s works and materials span the majority of the backyard, representing a lifetime of work and achievement. In particular, two large sculptures created collaboratively with the community using materials found at Ground Zero following the 9/11 attacks loom high overhead on tables. Erin Davis / Max C Lee (who also operate haul gallery) collaborate with both themselves and NYC’s trash creating a figure-esque sculpture of garbage for the show.
As this show is centered on witnessing collaboration, both obvious and subtle, with the exception of the opening reception, the space will be a quiet sanctuary to reflect, explore, and experience the works on your own without others present.
IMPORTANT NOTE: haul gallery, as a rule, does not participate in art fairs because they are typically exclusive, extremely expensive, and cater to the ultra wealthy. Though The Fridge Art Fair has “art fair” in its name, it is a very DIY operation, with no cost to participate, and the prices are low. It is not a profit-driven operation, so we decided to participate upon our invitation. Nothing in COLLABS was for sale.